Practice from the Dalai Lama and My thoughts :)

April 13, 2009 at 6:21 PM (Paganism and Life) (, , , )

1. Spend 5 minutes at the beginning of each day remembering we all want the same things (to be happy and be loved) and we are all connected to one another.
I think that if I actually did this I would be more in Tune with the world. I feel that this is something I must do EVERYDAY, in order to keep connected to the earth and every living being on the green earth.
2. Spend 5 minutes – breathing in – cherishing yourself; and, breathing out – cherishing others. If you think about people you have difficulty cherishing, extend your cherishing to them anyway.
Wow, if we all did this everyday we might actually be at peace within ourselves, we may be able to promote change in each other. Trust me I am by no means the most peaceful human being alive, I do get angry, I do yell, I do the same things that every other human does but I have been called upon to promote peace and change within myself. community, and the world. I feel that if we change one “bad” habit, gossiping (being the worst) Then we can move on to what really matters in this life time, not the pettiness that we all have been guilty of in the past. Remember with age comes wisdom, we all are getting older we need to reflect that in our behavior as well. I do understand that when people feel hurt they lash out against another, I do understand that, we just need need to minimize the gossiping, one can talk about how THEY FEEL but should not say hurtful things about another.
3. During the day extend that attitude to everyone you meet. Practice cherishing the ‘simplest’ person (clerks, attendants, etc.) as well as the “important” people in your life; cherish the people you love and the people you dislike.
We should all try to promote that same peace within each other each and every day.
4. Continue this practice no matter what happens or what anyone does to you. These thoughts are very simple, inspiring and helpful. The practice of cherishing can be taken very deep if done wordlessly; allowing yourself to feel the love and appreciation that already exists in your heart.
Wow, couldn’t have said it better myself. I am sick and tired of hearing petty kindergarden issues that have NO BEARING upon me or mine. THIS IS NOT DIRECTED AT ANY ONE PERSON!!!
I just want to make sure that we are all trying to better oursleves. I want everyone to live in this small world and learn the lessons that the Gods and Goddesses have set out for each of us to learn. I personally feel that at the last Full Moon Ritual that I attended that something was awaken in side of me, almost like a sleeping dragon is now awake in me. I feel like there is so much that I have to learn and so little time to do it. I also feel that I have so much to teach and show everyone that I meet, but how do I teach those unwilling to listen to another point of view. I do not wish to “convert” anyone, just show them how I see things.
I sincerly hope that we can all practice the four little things listed above, if we all did so we would be so much better off. I mean to make someone feel loved and chershed how could that be wrong, even the warriors out there (speaking from what I know correct me if I am wrong) don’t wish to have to fight ALL the time, times of peace are good times!
Ok, I have personally run out of things to say on this topic at the moment, But so many other things are peeking out at me to discuss maybe later you will have to suffer yet another Blog of mine.
Please be kind to each other, treat everyone as you wish to be treated, and if someone makes you angry or hurt speak to that person, if need be take a walk around a block before reacting to a situation you may see that hurt may not be hurt any longer but just another view of the same situation though an others eyes.
Much Love for each of you reading this Blog,

1 Comment

  1. ladygwendlyn said,

    You are so right. Watching what I say and how it will affect others might help me to decide whether to say anything!

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